Snow Removal Kingston | Lawn Care Kingston

Kingston's Reliable Commercial Snow Removal & Lawn Care Company

Team JP Contracting can take care of your commercial building year round. We offer commercial and residential snow removal in the winter time and commercial lawn care services in the warmer months. Our professional team knows what’s best for your property and will treat it like it’s our own.

Snow Removal

Commercial Snow Removal Kingston

Canadian winters are great until it comes to snow removal for the average business owner. We know that keeping your parking lots cleared, sidewalks shoveled and lane ways plowed is extremely important. No matter what time it snows, you can count on us to be there.

We take all precautions necessary to ensure we do not damage any property or vehicles in the area while clearing snow. We also take extra measures to make sure ice is melted and no one will slip and injure themselves at the workplace.

Commercial Lawn Care Kingston

Having a thick, healthy, green lawn outfront your business is easily acheivable when Team JP Contracting is on your side. This leaves your customers with a great first impression of your business. We handle all the mowing, trimming and clean up so your store front always looks perfect.

Our landscapers have years of experience cutting grass and are equiped with the best machinery in industry. As lawn care speciliats, they know how to properly read the landscape so they don’t mow to low resulting in sun spots. We truly take lawn care to another level!

Lawn Care

Residential Services

We Also Offer Residential Snow Removal Kingston!

Put down your shovel and let our snow removal experts clear the snow this winter. We will take care of your driveway, steps, walkways and even your doorways. When the conditions are icy, we will also lay down salt to help melt any ice that we can’t get with our plows, blowers or shovels.

Book Your Snow Removal & Lawn Care Now!

Each job is quoted based on the size of lot/lawn and the time required. We offer monthly contracts or a per cut/plow basis.